
تفكير_جهير #Thinking_Aloud #فتحي_عثمان ارتريا والخطر الداهم ومسئولية التنوير لا خلاف حول المهددات الوبيلة التي تحدق بارتريا؛ فهذه البلاد كانت ولا زالت وسوف تظل مهددة على الدوام من الخارج ومن الداخل أيضا نقول هذا بناء على فهم كررناه إلى حد يبعث على الملل؛ وهو أن الساسة في منطقتنا يجعلون من المهددات والخطر الدائم ونظريات المؤامرة خبزهم […]

نبش في ذاكرة الصمود والتحدي لمدينة أغردات

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم نبش في ذاكرة الصمود والتحدي لمدينة أغردات بقلم : مهندس سليمان دارشح 28/2/2023م البطولات والتضحيات الكبرى تدخل طي النسيان ، متي تأخر صانعوها ومعاصروها في توثيقها ، فتحرم أجيال من التعرف على تاريخ تلكم المآثر الخالدة ، وفي هذا السياق يأتي مقالنا هذا ، الذى نتناول فيه شيئا من صمود وتحدي […]

برقية تهنيئه   للفريق اول ركن البرهان بعيد الاستقلال السابعة والستين المجيد للسودان والسنة الحديده من المناضل حسين خليفة رئيس جبهة التحرير الارترية

برقية تهنيئه   للفريق اول ركن البرهان بعيد الاستقلال السابعة والستين المجيد للسودان والسنة الحديده من المناضل حسين خليفة رئيس جبهة التحرير الارترية الاخ الفريق اول ركن عبد الفتاح  البرهان/ رئيس مجلس السيادة الانتقالي القائد العام للقوات الشعب المسلحة  ا السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته باسمي ونيابة عن قيادة وقواعد جبهة التحرير الارترية رائدة النضال الوطني […]

The Flood is coming to Asmara-The flood drowned Isaias Afwerki

After the great success that the Ethiopians have achieved today in Nairobi, with vigorous and strong steps and without retreating towards peace, the next step is to expel the Eritrean forces from Ethiopia, because the parties to the Ethiopian conflict, the African Union and the international partners all know that peace will not be achieved […]

Statement from Al-Nazir Deglel about his meeting with the American Ambassador

Statement from Al-Nazir Deglel about his meeting with the American Ambassador* On October 31, 2022 Leader of the tribes of Bani Amer. Al-Nazir’s office…press release….Yesterday evening, the Ambassador of the United States of America, John Godfrey, the overseer of all the tribes of Bani Amer, met Mr. Ali Ibrahim Deglel at the house of the […]

The 32nd Anniversary of Mahmoud Hassab’s Martyrdom

Martyr Mahmoud Hassab was famous for his sincerity and dedication to national work, and despite his strictness, he was loved among his fellow commanders, as well as his soldiers who were dedicated to sacrifice in order to carry out the difficult tasks assigned to them by Commander Mahmoud Hassab because they are reassured about their […]

St John’s Day Greetings Message

The Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Eritrean Liberation Front congratulated the Christian brothers in Eritrea and the world in my heartfelt congratulations and divine blessings, wishing them a happy and blessed Eid and that our country would be pervaded, God willing, with peace after the demise of the regime so that our people […]

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the start of the Eritrean Revolution

In the area of ​​the martyr Idris Hashkab, the establishment of the branches of the mass organizations, a celebration on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the launch of the blessed Eritrean revolution, led by the martyr leader Hamid Idris Awati and his heroic companions. Eritrea, in particular, is the history of the vanguard […]

General Federation of Eritrean Workers

In the month of August, Eritrea’s branch of the Martyr Hassan Beshri of the General Federation of Money held its periodic conference in Region No. (1) with the participation and supervision of the Acting Secretary-General. After attending all its members, some who came from distant places conference start his speech welcoming the attendees and after […]

Political Program

THE ERITREAN LIBERATION Political Program 10th National Congress 2019 Introduction: The Eritrean revolution was not only a challenge to the Ethiopian occupation, but also a challenge to a conspiracy in which the strategic interests of the international powers in the Red Sea basin and the expansionist ambitions of its ally, Emperor Haile Selassie, were intertwined. […]